Sunday, February 26, 2017

Propaganda Posters during WW2

     What I think the poster, "Loose lips, sink ships" means is that if bystanders during WW2 said anything along the lines of their government's plans they would be hurting their nation. I think this because what I think of when I hear "loose lips" is when people say things they are not supposed to say. Kind of like spilling a secret. The "sink ships" part is basically a threat to anyone that speaks about any confidential plans. The intended audience are the bystanders from WW2 because the government was threatening them to not say anything about what was going on in the world. This works to alter one's perspective by making them think that it is wrong to speak up when you know something is wrong. They teach young kids that they shouldn't say what is right. Imagine if we lived in a world like that, we would not be able to speak our minds.

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