A quote that really stands out or speaks to me is a lyric from the song "Fake Love" by Drake. The lyric is "I've been down so long, it look like up to me, they look up to me, I got fake people showing fake love to me straight up to my face". To me this means that there are people out there willing to fake a friendship just because they want money or popularity. Some people use others to make themselves feel better and feel higher than everyone else. The part "they look up to me" to me means that they will do anything to be like you, even if it means to make you look like a bad person. "Fake people showing fake love to me straight up to my face" means that there are people out there that will fake their personality and fake their feelings towards you without hiding the fact that they are just using you for their personal reasons. I just really like this lyric because nowadays you can't really be sure on who you can trust. To many people are fake so it's pretty shocking to actually find a loyal person to be friends with.

Haha, I agree with you! People should just be themselves and stop acting! There are so many fake people our age right now! XD. By the way I also love this song!